Orchestra of the Moon and Breedlove Puppet Theatre perform together for the first time

The charming town of Sherwood, Oregon, has for 62 years been the home of a civic celebration called Robin Hood Days.

On July 15th of this year, it also became to host to Orchestra of the Moon and the Breedlove Puppet Theatre, and the first-time collaboration of those two groups.

The band and the theatre joined forces for a production of “The Wicked Sacristan,” in which the orchestra played all the musical cues for the play.

This joining of musical and dramatic forces was the original concept of the puppet theatre, and many audience members commented on the “magical” quality that the large musical ensemble added to the play.

Notable, too,  was the contribution of Emma Rose, newest addition to the Breedlove Puppet Theatre, whose performance in the roles of Ydoin and the Miller were marvelled at by all, and whose general contributions to the smooth flow of the shows are unable to be expressed adequately here.  Many thanks!

And while thanks are being handed out, let’s also acknowledge Ben Neubauer for many contributions that day.

Great work, everyone, and

Ritual Art Troupe Board Meeting on March 2, 2018

The Ritual Art Troupe held a board meeting at 10:00am on March 2, 2018, with Board Meeting Minutes here.

Current members of the RAT board are Mark Alburger, Jacob Breedlove, and Stardust Doherty.

The organization is actively seeking new board members.

The agenda for the board meeting was as follows:

Official Business

  • Call to Order and Introductions
  • Quorum Check
  • Review and Approve Agenda
  • Review and Approve Prior Board Meeting Minutes
  • Project Review (brief)
  • Finances (Banking, Past and Planned Donations/Grants and Expenses)
  • Board Recruitment
  • Other Official Business
  • Next Board Meeting
  • Adjourn