20/20 Crew & Admin Recruitment

Positions: Techs (Painters, Builders, Makers, Driver, Stage Hands), Prop Master, Costumer/Dresser, Marketer/Social Media Maven, Fundraiser, Sign Language Interpreters (ASL), Videographer, Artists/Graphic Designers

Play: “20/20” by Kari Barclay and Stardust Doherty

Synopsis: It’s 2020. The President has been re-elected, the climate is heating up, the economy in meltdown. In this satirical participatory performance, audience members choose the scenarios to stage: impeachment? a coup? a revolution? “20/20” asks what people power looks like in a time of vast uncertainty when even choosing to do nothing has consequences.

Artistic Director: Stardust Doherty
Stage Manager: Bert van Aalsburg*

Union: No – Compensation: Possibly a share of ticket sales and funraiser funds.  (We would love to pay artists living wages, but we are an entirely unpaid company, unless we receive grants or other contributions… we are all working for social justice!)

Performances: at least four, as part of the San Francisco Fringe Festival at the EXIT Theatre, 156 Eddy St, San Francisco: 5:30pm-8:30pm on September 7, 1:00pm-4:00pm on September 8, 7:30pm-10:30pm on September 11, 4:00pm-7:00pm on September 14, and an additional performance probably on September 15, 2019 (time TBA)

Commitment: 8 weeks and depending on role, twice weekly from July 30 to September 6, 2019, in San Francisco: 7pm-11pm Tuesdays, and 9am-7pm Saturdays (including set, props, and costume construction), plus performances dates above

Apply: Contact theatre-makers@ritualart.org with name, experience, and availability for performance and rehearsal dates/times. Appointments Available: flexible starting immediately

Show Website: http://ritualart.org/2020/

Tickets: $13 cash in person ($15.99 online tickets at https://20-20.brownpapertickets.com). Advanced purchase recommended due to limited seating.

Box Office: 415-673-3847 (for show information)

Company: Theatre Makers provides a common ground for those interested in dramatic and musical theatre, professional and amateur theater, commercial and non-profit theatre, including non-traditional theatrical events (performance art, pop-up theater, home theater, street theater, puppet shows, etc.) with activities including, for example:

  • Discussions of all aspects of theatre creation and production
  • Exchanging information on opportunities available
  • Collaboration on incubating audience participatory plays and musicals based on social, political, economic, and environmental change (SPEEC) themes​
  • Workshops of plays and musicals under development
  • Readings and staged readings of plays and musicals for educational and motivational purposes

This group particularly fosters events that are inclusive and affirming of people based on class, race/ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, (dis)ability, age, and other identities.

Company Website: http://ritualart.org/theatremakers/

Posting Updates: http://ritualart.org/wordpress/?p=1019

Please share this notice with anyone who might be interested.

* These Actors and Stage Managers appear with the special permission of Actors’ Equity Association.

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