20/20 Play Livestream Party

20/20 Play Video available here:

20/20 Play Program available for download here:

The pandemic has some silver linings… instead of producing and directing new theater projects (sad), we’ve been focusing on writing new plays (happy) and editing videos of plays we’ve performed (happy).

In fact, we’re (happy) to announce the perfect way to celebrate May Day in quarantine (sad)–

Join us online for the 20/20 Play Livestream!

7:00pm to 10:00pm Pacific Time (San Francisco) on Friday, May 1, 2020

Please RSVP to theatre-makers@ritualart.org with the email Subject “20/20 Livestream Reservation” and in the body: 1) Your name, 2) Your email, and 3) How many Zoom spots you’re reserving. We’ll reply by email to give you the Zoom link and confirm your reservation, so if you don’t hear back within 24 hours, please let us know.

Already seen the play? OK, but have you seen all eight scenarios? And exclusive interviews with cast and crew?

Synopsis: It’s the year 2020. The President has been re-elected, the climate is heating up, and the economy is in meltdown. Now, it’s up to all of us to figure out what happens next. In this satirical participatory performance, audience members choose from a list of possible scenarios they want staged: impeachment? a coup? a revolution? “20/20” asks what people power looks like in a time of vast uncertainty when even choosing to do nothing at all has its consequences.

This show will have lots of audience participation, such as voting on the order of watching the scenarios and a chance to chat with the actors, crew, co-writers, and director during the breaks!

20/20 play
        cast and crew photo

This is a video of the production of “20/20” that won a Sold Out Award at the San Francisco Fringe Festival in 2019. You can read an excellent review of the past production from Theatrius. And you can check out our preview video at http://ritualart.org/2020/preview/

RSVP for Zoom Link: Once again, please RSVP to theatre-makers@ritualart.org with the email Subject “20/20 Livestream Reservation” and in the body: 1) Your name, 2) Your email, and 3) How many Zoom spots you’re reserving. We’ll reply by email to give you the Zoom link and confirm your reservation, so if you don’t hear back within 24 hours, please let us know.

For each Zoom spot, you are welcome to have any many people as you like huddle around the screen, hopefully practicing appropriate physical (but not social) distancing of course.

More info about the party: http://ritualart.org/wordpress/2020/04/26/20-20-play-livestream-party/

For info about the show: http://ritualart.org/2020/

Donate: We depend on your donations to create theatre. If you are able, please donate here: http://ritualart.org/donate/

“20/20” is a production of Theatre Makers, a project of the Ritual Art Troupe.

Original flyer for the production:

20/20 play flyer

Please share to those who would want or need to know. 🙂

Hugs and solidarity,

20/20 Play Co-Writer and Director
Theatre Makers
Ritual Art Troupe

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