20/20 Video

Theatre Makers is pleased to present a video collection of the 20/20 play as performed at the 2019 San Francisco Fringe Festival. The collection starts with the Prologue / Act I / Decision Point video. At the Decision Point, viewers may choose to view one of the eight scenario videos or the Coda / End Credits video. See the Assassination Disclaimer below.

You can choose the 20/20 Video playlist:

20/20 Video Playlist

Or you can choose the videos of the eight scenarios and Coda / End Credits one by one below:

Prologue / Act I / Decision Point
Decentralized Revolution Scenario
Assassination Scenario
General Strike Scenario
Impeachment Scenario
Military Coup Scenario
Corporate Coup Scenario
Electoral Progress Scenario
Do Nothing Scenario
Coda / End Credits


Assassination Disclaimer:

The writers expressly denounce the assassination of political figures and intend the fictional Assassination scenario in the “20/20” play to discourage any such actions. During these politically polarized times, we have noticed a trend on left and right to direct animus toward individual figures and to imagine that violence against individuals would solve shared political woes, when the truth is that such strategies or tactics would only cause a strong reaction of repressive laws and human rights abuses, rather than constructive political change. Out of concern for human life and for our collective power, we oppose true-life assassinations and present them here merely in the context of fiction to channel those impulses harmlessly in a sort of catharsis for those daydreaming about such possibilities.

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