Lucía: É verdade que a esperança morreu?

Uma peça apresentando a vida, poesia e artigos de Lucía Sánchez Saornil e as Mujeres Libres

por Stardust Doherty

Idiomas: English, Español, Français, Português Brasileiro (esta página)

Sinopse da peça

Ao atingir a idade adulta, em um período tumultuado que antecedeu a Guerra Civil e Revolução Social Espanhola da década de 1930, a revolucionária anarquista lésbica Lucía Sánchez Saornil se junta aos anarquistas organizados na Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT). Mulheres militantes, incluindo as amigas de Lucía, Mercedes Comaposada e Amparo Poch y Gascón, e a sua amante América Barroso, vivenciam a opressão de gênero dentro e fora do movimento operário anarquista.

Debatendo a liderança masculina anarquista e buscando centrar o movimento na libertação das mulheres, bem como questões em de classe, elas formam uma organização interseccional do movimento de mulheres chamado Mujeres Libres. Através do caos da guerra e da tensão resultante nas suas relações, as suas lutas pessoais e coletivas para a libertação em um período de crescente fascismo pressagiam e são paralelas às nossas lutas de hoje.

Lucia está disponível em quatro versões dos seguintes idiomas:

Avisos de conteúdo

Esta peça inclui representações e recriações de cenas de ação militar, massacre e guerra, incluindo tiros e a queima de um prédio, além de poesia erótica, menções de prostituição e cenas de assédio de mulheres. Dependendo da produção, pode haver luzes piscando e muitos ruídos altos.

Publicar ou per…produzir

Caso queira ler o roteiro com a intenção de encenar e/ou publicar a peça, entre em contato com o dramaturgo Stardust (clique no link para enviar por e-mail).

Lucía : Est-il vrai que l’espoir est mort ?

Une pièce de théâtre sur la vie, la poésie et les articles de Lucía Sánchez Saornil et les Mujeres Libres

par Stardust Doherty

Langues : English, Español, Français (cette page), Português Brasileiro

Synopsis de l’ouvrage

Arrivée à l’âge adulte dans une période tumultueuse menant à la guerre civile espagnole et à la révolution sociale des années 1930, la révolutionnaire anarchiste lesbienne Lucía Sánchez Saornil rejoint les anarchistes qui s’organisent au sein de la Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT, Confédération Nationale du Travail). Les femmes organisatrices, dont les amies de Lucía, Mercedes Comaposada et Amparo Poch y Gascón, et son amante América Barroso, subissent l’oppression de genre à la fois au sein et à l’extérieur du mouvement ouvrier anarchiste.

Débattant du leadership anarchiste masculin et cherchant à centrer le mouvement sur la libération des femmes ainsi que sur les questions de classe, elles forment une organisation de mouvement de femmes intersectionnelle appelée Mujeres Libres. À travers le chaos de la guerre et les tensions qui en résultent sur leurs relations, leurs luttes personnelles et collectives pour la libération dans une période de montée du fascisme préfigurent et sont parallèles à nos luttes d’aujourd’hui.

Lucía est disponible en quatre versions linguistiques :

Avertissements relatifs 
au contenu

Cette œuvre comprend des représentations et des reconstitutions de scènes d’action militaire, de massacre et de guerre, y compris l’usage d’armes à feu et l’incendie d’un bâtiment, ainsi que de la poésie érotique, des mentions de prostitution et des scènes de harcèlement de femmes. Selon la production, il peut y avoir des lumières clignotantes et beaucoup de bruits forts.

Publier ou pér…représenter

Si vous souhaitez lire le scénario dans le but de jouer et/ou de publier la pièce, veuillez contacter lu dramaturge Stardust (cliquez sur le lien pour envoyer un e-mail).

Lucía: ¿Es verdad que la esperanza ha muerto?

Una obra de teatro sobre la vida, poesía y artículos de Lucía Sánchez Saornil y las Mujeres Libres

por Stardust Doherty

Idiomas: English, Español (esta página), Français, Português Brasileiro

Sinopsis de la obra

Al llegar a la edad adulta en un período tumultuoso previo a la Guerra Civil y Revolución Social Española de la década de 1930, la lesbiana anarquista revolucionaria Lucía Sánchez Saornil se une a los anarquistas que se organizan en la Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT). Las mujeres organizadoras, incluidas las amigas de Lucía, Mercedes Comaposada y Amparo Poch y Gascón, y su amante América Barroso, experimentan la opresión de género tanto dentro como fuera del movimiento obrero anarquista.

Al debatir el liderazgo masculino anarquista y buscar centrar el movimiento en la liberación de las mujeres, así como en los problemas de clase, forman una organización interseccional de movimiento de mujeres llamada Mujeres Libres. A través del caos de la guerra y la tensión resultante en sus relaciones, sus luchas personales y colectivas por la liberación en un período de creciente fascismo presagian y son paralelas a nuestras luchas de hoy.

Lucía está disponible en versiones de cuatro idiomas:

Advertencias de contenido

Esta obra incluye representaciones y recreaciones de escenas de acción militar, masacre y guerra, incluido el uso de armas de fuego y la quema de un edificio, así como poesía erótica, menciones de prostitución y escenas de acoso a mujeres. Dependiendo de la producción, puede haber luces intermitentes y muchos ruidos fuertes.

Publicar o per…realizar

Si desea leer el guión con la intención de representar y/o publicar la obra, comuníquese con le dramaturge Stardust (haga clic en el enlace para enviar un correo electrónico).

Lucía: Review Groups

The theatre play “Lucía” will initially be released in three languages: Spanish (Castilean), Portuguese (Brazilian), and English (USA).

For that reason, we are organizing three six-week review groups to prepare the script for a staged production:

Check out this description of the review groups in Spanish, Portuguese, and English.

If you are interested in participating in one of these review groups, please contact the playwright Stardust Doherty at

20/20 Video

Theatre Makers is pleased to present a video collection of the 20/20 play as performed at the 2019 San Francisco Fringe Festival. The collection starts with the Prologue / Act I / Decision Point video. At the Decision Point, viewers may choose to view one of the eight scenario videos or the Coda / End Credits video. See the Assassination Disclaimer below.

You can choose the 20/20 Video playlist:

20/20 Video Playlist

Or you can choose the videos of the eight scenarios and Coda / End Credits one by one below:

Prologue / Act I / Decision Point
Decentralized Revolution Scenario
Assassination Scenario
General Strike Scenario
Impeachment Scenario
Military Coup Scenario
Corporate Coup Scenario
Electoral Progress Scenario
Do Nothing Scenario
Coda / End Credits


Assassination Disclaimer:

The writers expressly denounce the assassination of political figures and intend the fictional Assassination scenario in the “20/20” play to discourage any such actions. During these politically polarized times, we have noticed a trend on left and right to direct animus toward individual figures and to imagine that violence against individuals would solve shared political woes, when the truth is that such strategies or tactics would only cause a strong reaction of repressive laws and human rights abuses, rather than constructive political change. Out of concern for human life and for our collective power, we oppose true-life assassinations and present them here merely in the context of fiction to channel those impulses harmlessly in a sort of catharsis for those daydreaming about such possibilities.

20/20 Play Livestream Party

20/20 Play Video available here:

20/20 Play Program available for download here:

The pandemic has some silver linings… instead of producing and directing new theater projects (sad), we’ve been focusing on writing new plays (happy) and editing videos of plays we’ve performed (happy).

In fact, we’re (happy) to announce the perfect way to celebrate May Day in quarantine (sad)–

Join us online for the 20/20 Play Livestream!

7:00pm to 10:00pm Pacific Time (San Francisco) on Friday, May 1, 2020

Please RSVP to with the email Subject “20/20 Livestream Reservation” and in the body: 1) Your name, 2) Your email, and 3) How many Zoom spots you’re reserving. We’ll reply by email to give you the Zoom link and confirm your reservation, so if you don’t hear back within 24 hours, please let us know.

Already seen the play? OK, but have you seen all eight scenarios? And exclusive interviews with cast and crew?

Synopsis: It’s the year 2020. The President has been re-elected, the climate is heating up, and the economy is in meltdown. Now, it’s up to all of us to figure out what happens next. In this satirical participatory performance, audience members choose from a list of possible scenarios they want staged: impeachment? a coup? a revolution? “20/20” asks what people power looks like in a time of vast uncertainty when even choosing to do nothing at all has its consequences.

This show will have lots of audience participation, such as voting on the order of watching the scenarios and a chance to chat with the actors, crew, co-writers, and director during the breaks!

20/20 play
        cast and crew photo

This is a video of the production of “20/20” that won a Sold Out Award at the San Francisco Fringe Festival in 2019. You can read an excellent review of the past production from Theatrius. And you can check out our preview video at

RSVP for Zoom Link: Once again, please RSVP to with the email Subject “20/20 Livestream Reservation” and in the body: 1) Your name, 2) Your email, and 3) How many Zoom spots you’re reserving. We’ll reply by email to give you the Zoom link and confirm your reservation, so if you don’t hear back within 24 hours, please let us know.

For each Zoom spot, you are welcome to have any many people as you like huddle around the screen, hopefully practicing appropriate physical (but not social) distancing of course.

More info about the party:

For info about the show:

Donate: We depend on your donations to create theatre. If you are able, please donate here:

“20/20” is a production of Theatre Makers, a project of the Ritual Art Troupe.

Original flyer for the production:

20/20 play flyer

Please share to those who would want or need to know. 🙂

Hugs and solidarity,

20/20 Play Co-Writer and Director
Theatre Makers
Ritual Art Troupe