Climate Summit Schedule of Rehearsals and Performances

Here is the schedule of rehearsals and performances for the plays we Theatre Makers are presenting at the alternative climate summit in San Francisco in September (other meetings shown below):

  • [done] Sunday, August 19: Rehearsal – 6pm start, 9pm end
  • [done] Tuesday, August 21: Rehearsal – 7pm start, 10pm end
  • [done] Saturday, August 25: Rehearsal – 2pm start, 5pm end (Anna excused)
  • [done] Sunday, August 26: Rehearsal – 3pm start, 6pm end (Anna excused)
  • [done] Tuesday, August 28: Rehearsal – 7pm start, 10pm end (Nadeem excused)
  • [done] Saturday, September 1: Rehearsal in Pop-Up Theatre – 3pm start, 6pm end (Anna and Nadeem excused)
  • [done] Sunday, September 2: Rehearsal in Pop-Up Theatre – 3pm start, 6pm end (Anna and Nadeem excused)
  • [done] Tuesday, September 4: Rehearsal – 7pm start, 10pm end (Nadeem excused)
  • [done] Wednesday, September 5: Dress Rehearsal – 4pm start, 7pm end
  • [done] Friday, September 7: Final Dress Rehearsal – 7pm start, 10pm end
  • [done] Saturday, September 8: Performances – 8am call, 10am start, 11am end, 1pm start (and loop and move until event ends as late as 6pm)
  • [done] Sunday, September 9: Performance – 6pm call, 7pm start
  • [done] Tuesday, September 11: Fundraiser Performance, 7pm call, 8pm start

San Francisco locations announced after you RSVP with your phone number and/or email address. Vegan food will be provided for the performers and crew at all rehearsals and performances. Please do not bring meat or pets to rehearsals and be prepared to remove your shoes on entry.

Other related meetings:

  • [done] Sunday, August 12: Painting Party – 9am start, 4pm end
  • [done] Thursday, August 23: Painting Party – 1pm start, 5pm end
  • [done] Friday, August 24: Social Event – 5:30pm start, 7:30pm end
  • [done] Wednesday, August 29: Painting Party – 11am start, 4:30pm end
  • [done] Friday, August 31: Painting Party – 12pm start, 6pm end
  • [done] Saturday, September 1: Props & Costume Party – 10am start, 1pm end
  • [done] Monday, September 3: Props & Costume Party – 10am start, 4pm end
  • [done] Wednesday, September 5: Painting Party – 10am start, 4:00pm end

Activist Artist Volunteer Opportunity

The Theatre Makers collective is seeking an artist (or artists) who want(s) to create a few theatre backdrops for the production of a short play called “Animal Factory Farm”. We are presenting the play as part of the alternative climate summit in San Francisco from September 8 to 14.

The backdrops involve a factory farm, an underwater scene, and a tropical forest.

(Another artist named Sam may need assistance designing backdrops for our “Ecopocalype” play and we need another artist for a play tentatively named “The New Normal” about desertification/drought/wildfires and sea-level rise/flooding/storms.)

We have the paint for tracing and painting the backdrops on muslin.

We are seeking an artist (or artists) who are comfortable with creating images, then helping to trace the images onto the large backdrops and paint them. We have other volunteers to help with the tracing and painting process.

The backdrops must be drafted quite soon (the next few days!) and completed in time for the painting party on Sunday, August 12.

It would be great if the artist (or artists) could join the painting party for all or most of that day.

Please email us if you are interested.

Seeking Actors for Climate Justice Plays in SF in September 2018

The Theatre Makers collective is seeking experienced or newbie actors eager to act in three new short plays which will premiere at the alternative climate summit in San Francisco on September 8, 2018.

The plays are “Ecopocalype” (a dystopian climate future punctuated by conflicts between the 1% and the 99%), “Animal Factory Farm” (a fable that explores the true-life impacts of animal consumption), and an as-yet-untitled play about desertification / drought and sea-level rise / flooding.

We will present the plays using our new pop-up portable theatre.

Main actors will need to be available for rehearsals through the end of August and the first week of September. Supporting actors, who will help with audience participation, gags, etc., will be able to participate with only a one or two rehearsal and performance commitment.

Please email us if you are interested.

Rag on a Stick Theatre completes the Camlann Festival Season

Puppeteers and musicians of the Rag on a Stick Theatre (Jacob Breedlove, Puppeteer, Aage Nielson and Laura Kuhlman, Musicians) were pleased to perform at the final festival of the summer season, September 24 and 25, 2016, in Carnation, Washington.

They performed the play “Why the Sea is Salt”, and also several sets of medieval music, to general acclaim.

Jacob Breedlove is now at work on another puppet play, an adaptation of the 15th century play “Everyman”.

Rag on a Stick Theatre Makes a May Day Appearance

The Rag on a Stick Theatre was joined by two members of the Orchestra of the Moon, Aage Nielson and Laura Kuhlman, April 30th and May 1st, in Carnation, Washington. Together they performed a revival of Why the Sea is Salt, a puppet play based on an ancient Scandinavian story about the use, and misuse, of technology.

The venue was the remarkable Camlann Medieval Village, a Living History Interpretive Center.

They also performed music  and played for dancers around the May Pole.

The program, minus the Maypole, will be performed again June 25 and 26.


Here we see Brother Aage before the stage of Why the Sea is Salt.  Through the doorway you can see the mill.  The front of the stage is painted with an image of Dama Fortuna (not seen in this image) and the wheel of Fortune.  (Fortuna Rota).

Of Serpents and Sea Spray

Brad and Stardust spent a lovely evening discussing theater over delicious food in an elegant setting with charming staff at the New Delhi Restaurant.

Stardust and Maharaja of Indore at New Delhi Restaurant

Then, we made our way over to the Custom Made Theatre for opening night of the world premiere of Rachel Bublitz’s “Of Serpents and Sea Spray“, a play about the strange and heroic journey of a girl, tormented by the loss of her parents, who eventually manages to make sense of her life (directed by Ariel Craft).

EXIT Theatre Load-In

The street entrance of the EXIT Theatre. There is a no parking zone in front of the theater, but according to the House Manager, no one ever seems to get ticketed for parking there. If no parking is available, then one can double-park and unload with someone monitoring the vehicle and its contents.

The street entrance doorway of the EXIT Theatre. All sets, props, etc., will have to fit through this doorway.

The path for loading in sets, props, costumes, actors, and crew up to the doorway entrance of the main stage at the EXIT Theatre in San Francisco.

The path for loading in sets, props, costumes, actors, and crew from the doorway entrance of the theater into the main stage at the EXIT Theatre in San Francisco.

View of the main stage of the EXIT Theatre from the audience.