Donate Funds to Ritual Art Troupe

Currently, here are the ways to donate funds to the Ritual Art Troupe (you can also volunteer time or donate venue, food, materials or equipment or donate scripts):

    • By check:

      The best way to donate to the Ritual Art Troupe (no fees) is to write a check to “Ritual Art Troupe” and mail it to: 

      Ritual Art Troupe
      304 Winfield Street
      San Francisco, CA 94110-5512

    • By credit card:



      You can donate using a credit card on GoFundMe (2019 winter holiday promotion fee is 1.9% + $0.30) by clicking on the Donate button above. This table shows some examples (using “non-profit” GoFundMe transaction processing fees): 

      Gross DonationFixed Fee% FeeNet Donation


    • You can donate using a credit card on PayPal (fee is 2.2% + $0.30) by clicking on the Donate button above. This table shows some examples (using “non-profit” PayPal transaction processing fees):

      Gross DonationFixed Fee% FeeNet Donation

      Project designation:

      If you would like your donation to go to a specific project of the Ritual Art Troupe, such as Orchestra of the Moon, The Opus Project, Theatre Makers Meetup, or True of Voice, please write the project name on the memo line of your check or, after you click on the Donate button above, type in the project name “If restricted, please specify project:” field.

Donation receipt:

If you would like to receive a receipt for your donation, please include a note with your legal name (used with the IRS) and email address.

Donor recognition:

If you would like to be recognized as a donor on our website, please email us giving us permission to do so and specifying the name under which you would like to be recognized. And please send lots of good energy to the folks on our donor list.

Tax deduction:

Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by U.S. law as indicated by our IRS 501c3 tax exemption letter.

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