20/20 Free Library Tour!

Performance Completed: Bernal Library on Feb. 29, Richmond Library on Feb. 29, and Main Library on Mar. 1 (free limited seating first-come, first-served).
20/20: Winner of Fringe Sold Out Award (San Francisco Fringe Festival 2019)
Review: Excellent review of the past production from Theatrius.
Update: Check out our video and preview video from the past production.
Donate: please donate to cover expenses for our cast and crew.

Actors/Crew: please go here

Synopsis: It’s the year 2020. The President has been re-elected, the climate is heating up, and the economy is in meltdown. Now, it’s up to all of us to figure out what happens next. In this 60-minute satirical participatory performance, audience members choose from a list of possible scenarios they want staged: impeachment? a coup? a revolution? “20/20” asks what people power looks like in a time of vast uncertainty when even choosing to do nothing at all has its consequences.

20/20 Free Library Tour flyer

Performances: “20/20”, co-written by Kari Barclay and Stardust Doherty, is scheduled for a limited tour of free performances in San Francisco Public Libraries:

  • Saturday, February 29, 2020, 10:30am – 12:30pm at San Francisco Public Library – Bernal Heights Branch, 500 Cortland Ave, mass transit: 24 bus, RSVP
  • Saturday, February 29, 2020, 3:00pm – 5:00pm at San Francisco Public Library – Richmond Branch, 351 9th Ave, mass transit: 38 bus, RSVP
  • Sunday, March 1, 2020, 2:00pm – 4:30pm at San Francisco Public Library – Main, 100 Larkin Street, Latino/Hispanic Community Room, mass transit: Civic Center BART, RSVP

Tickets: No tickets! All these performances are free of charge and first-come, first-served.

Trigger Warnings: gun shots, a little profanity, assassination

Headshots and Bios: http://ritualart.org/wordpress/?p=2180

Photos and Videos: http://ritualart.org/wordpress/2020/02/03/20-20-free-library-tour-photos-and-videos/

Volunteer: We are seeking a wardrobe master, prop master, roadies, sound tech, funders, sign language interpreters (ASL), and other volunteers to stage this play.

Please volunteer, donate funds, or donate venue, food, materials or equipment to make this show possible!

Donors: Thanks to Anonymous 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7, Bernhard Ruchti, Brad, Erika Bjune, Iryna Lymar, Kari, Linda Galvane, Lucky Choi, Matt, Matt Nicodemus, Milton, Oriol Codina Carulla, Rick Doherty M.D., Rodger Scott, Scott & Elizabeth, Stardust, Stephen Savage, Terry Cavanagh, and Urs Leonhardt Steiner.

Thanks to our in-kind donor:

Arizmendi logoAwesome worker-owned pizzeria and bakery for yummy vegan pastries and bread to nourish our actors and crew for rehearsals.
20/20 Free Library Tour Cast and Crew


Playwrights Circle reading and critique session of “20/20” at the Ingleside Branch Library in San Francisco on May 21, 2019.

San Francisco Fringe Festival performances of “20/20” at the EXIT Theatre in San Francisco on September 7, 8, 11, and 14, 2019 (original cast and crew).

Auditions for “20/20 Free Library Tour” on January 11, 2020.

Rehearsals in San Francisco on January 16, January 18, February 1, February 6, February 8, February 16, February 17, February 19, February 20, February 21, February 22, February 24, February 26, February 27, and February 28.

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